Virginia Candelaresi CNP, RNCP, RCP
Certified & Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner
As a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (RNCP), I specialize in maintaining or restoring the biochemistry and physicology in the body for optimum health and wellbeing.
I assess the unique dietary and nutritional requirements of an individual and utilize a full spectrum of customized naturotherapies including: diet and nutritional supplements, detoxification and drainage.
I educate clients so that they can make new food and lifestyle choices and I encourage them to discuss these choices with their doctor so that they can take responsibility for their own health.
I conduct my practice in an ethical, professional, confidential, and responsible manner.
As a Profession member of The International Organization of Nutritional Consultants (IONC) ,
the services performed by a RNCP/ROHP is at all times restricted to consultation on nutrition intended for building wellness and do not involved the diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of disease, or for any any for which a medical license is required. In France, I am supported by Syndicat des Professionnels de la Naturopathie with designation RCP.
Bonus, as a Certified Metabolic Balance® Coach, I offer Long-Distance flexible and accessible Nutrition Program. After the first communication and the blood draw by your physician, we create your personal Metabolic Balance® Nutrition Plan. For more information click here
Weather you are looking for a weight loss plan, need assistance managing a specialty diet, or are looking to develop a healthy relationship with food, International Nutritionist offers services in English, Italian, and French, and packages designed to meet your wellness needs.
"When "I" is replaced with "We" even illness becomes wellness". - Malcolm X